ikhwan ceria's access search.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

my photo shoot practice...

when u land a modeling job, apa tue, a photo shoot, there are a few things u shud remember b4 going in front of the cameras.

The fashion modeling world as it stands today may be dominated by female models, but more and more men are entering the profession. Led by such name IKHWAN CERIA (hahaha,perasan). No lah, such name, Awal Ashari, or sape2 lah.

if u want to be a model, pay special attention to wut i'm going to guide u for modeling poses.hahaha.. be of what u are okie?oK!.
Breathe : always remember to breathe and appear at ease.

Posture :
Always remember to keep ur back straight and ur shoulders up

If u have one arm long and straight by urside, make sure the other arm is bent

To enhance the quality of ur photo shoot, look away from the camera with a mix of head and eye poses. Looking off to the right or left side

Sitting pose: as u think it fits ur body

add variety to ur modeling poses, try switching up your smile wit a cute frown, a bratty bout, a friendly laugh

Body:Focus on ur posture, attitude, and facial expressions 2 succeed beyond ur wildest expectations.
: suke hati anda, selagi anda tak sesak nafas. haha faint!

dating eratkan hubungan

Antara aktiviti2 ketika berdating.

haha, even aku tak pandai berdating (single till now) tapi aku dapat mengupas sedikit sebanyak melalui beberapa pembacaan & permerhatian, hehe..
1)Makan bersama : tak kira lah dinner, lunch or breakfast sekalipun coz dpt mengeratkan perhubungan anda

2)Bermain boling atau ke taman (bunga,permainan):hahahaha, ini bdsrkan pilihan pasangan masing2 lah yer,diffrent people ve diffrnt mind rite.. ini dapat myegarkan hubungan percintaan anda

3)Ambil gambar sebagai kenangan : gunakanlah camera cybershot ker,digitil ke, ini dpt meningkatkn ekonomi negara jugak kan kan kan??sebabnyer guna tekbologi, cewah, disamping bercinta dpt myumbang ke arah ekonomi ngara (sape suruh dating..hahaha)

4)tampil dengan perubahan : cukuplah sekadar pakaian yang sopan, bersesuian kehendak agama tak perlu sexy2 coz sexy tue kdg2 seksa taw x.kesian pulak an..

5)jangan jadi bisu: jangan nk gatai diam2 pulak, gatai bising2 baru best taw?hahaha. bincangkan perkara sesuai dan elakkan berbincang perkara yang mbawa ke arah keburukan i meant kemaksiatan,maklum la bile dah sayang (sila JAGA MARUAH AGAMA, KELUARGA dan ANDA) !!!

6) Elakan berada di tempat yang terlalu sunyi : dating lah ditempat ramai dah kalau nakdating sangat kan. hahah.. sekurangnya2 dpat mengurangkan peratus dan statistik pembuangan bayi dan kahwin awal..

lepaking saje2 berceloteh ~~

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jom senyum beramai2 Wink,wink*

Guys, let me share a fruitful information wit u ya! .
The perfect smile is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. Understand that a terrific smile is more who they are than what they look like. Smiling, laughing, relaxing, and being true are the most important steps to a great photograph.

A nice looking smile is an important aspect of non-verbal communication. A smile is the center of giving thanks, showing appreciation, accepting a deal, falling in love, making small talk and exhibiting inner happiness. I find that when I am naturally happy, grateful for all that I am and have, I smile more realistically than when I just smile for the sake of it.

As science has revealed, there are natural ways to increase the quality of your smile. Here are :

1. Brush your teeth properly. Many people restrict their smile because they’re ashamed at the quality of their teeth. Make sure you give your teeth the time necessary to keep bacteria and plaque away.

2. Avoid snacking. Snacks that are high in sugar and carbs are worse as they can attack your teeth using the acid for as long as 20 minuts.

3. Drink plenty water. The most prominent feature when it comes to your overall health is always about water. Water will ensure your body has plenty fluid and doesn’t suffer from internal dehydration allowing your skin and lips to look smooth and sensational

4. Straight teeth. We’re talking about a good smile here so I’ve got to write about teeth. Having straight teeth is an important facet of beautiful smiling.

5. Live a healthy lifestyle. The most beautiful smile shines from within. Working out, eating right and practicing good overall hygiene will not only promote healthy teeth and gums, it will make you feel good about yourself. Your self-confidence and positive energy will radiate out of your expression’s most important asset – your beautiful smile.

HAHAHA..Like me ya Ikhwan ceria..

stay Ceria guys!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

gift for men!

While men often think that women are difficult to shop for, women have these same thoughts about men. It can be tough to find a gift for a male whether or not you know the individual well. There are a few cheap gift ideas however that generally can’t go wrong and it is just a matter of using the best judgment in terms of which choice to use.

Most men like the idea of food so giving a man his favorite food or something homemade can be a cheap gift idea. Things like cookies, brownies or various other things as such can make a man quite pleased. While a person might not know the man’s favorite food, there are some types of snacks that the majority of men enjoy.

Video games aren’t always cheap but when a person searches in the right place then it can be the perfect gift idea. It always helps to already know what the man has, but many men play these games for relaxation so if the right game can be found at the right place, it can work out very well. There are many different video games for cheaper prices online.

There are some individuals that like the gifts that are more extraordinary. When a person looks on various websites they can easily find these things. One of these is the category of wacky bathroom accessories including the nose soap dispenser and other such products. They are sure to make the man remember that particular gift giver.

 till then bye..

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia ..-law qua law-

Yang Kita Tak Perasan

Isu rasis semakin hangat dan menjadi bahan berita bagi setiap media. Tidak kira cetak atau elektronik, semua berlumba-lumba untuk meletakkan isu rasis sebagai santapan utama para pembaca. Ironinya ia terjadi sewaktu negara kita menyambut kemerdekaan yang ke-53. Sungguh menyedihkan apabila isu ini bukan sahaja berpenyakit di kalangan ahli politik tetapi sudah menular hingga ke akar umbi. Baiklah, cukup saya berbasa-basi di sini. Mari kita pergi ke isu yang utama.

Pertubuhan politik mahupun bukan kerajaan begitu lantang mempertahankan perkara 153 Persekutuan Perlembagaan yang memperuntukkan kedudukan istimewa Melayu dan penduduk asli Sabah dan Sarawak ( oklah ‘hak istimewa’ lagi sesuai). Ia turut dijaga oleh Perkara 159(5) yang memperuntukkan izin Majlis Raja-Raja sekiranya perkara 153 mahu dipinda atau digubal. Ditambah lagi dengan peruntukan dalam akta hasutan seksyen 3 (f) Akta Hasutan 1948 yang memperuntukkan ‘’ A seditious tendency is a tendency to question any matter, right, status, position, privilege, sovereignty or prerogative established or protected by the provisions of Part III of the Federal Constitution or Article 152, 153 or 181 of the Federal Constitution.’’ Justeru, barangsiapa yang cuba mempertikaikan apa-apa persoalan berkaitan perkara 153 mempunyai potensi untuk disabitkan kesalahan dalam Akta Hasutan.

1) Yang kita tak perasan:

Bukan sahaja Perkara 153 yang dijaga oleh Perkara 159(5) dan seksyen 3(f) Akta Hasutan 1948 tetapi juga Bahagian 3 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Apakah Bahagian 3 itu? Pernahkah ada mana-mana ahli politik memberitahu hal ini?

Bahagian 3 Perlembagaan Persekutuan adalah berkaitan soal kerakyatan. Citizenship.

Nah, di sini sudah terserlah keseimbangan yang dijamin dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Sesungguhnya kontrak sosial yang berteraskan kedudukan istimewa Melayu dan prinsip kerakyatan Jus Soli telah dijamin dalam perkara 159(5) yang memperuntukkan ‘’ A law making an amendment to Clause (4) of Article 10, any law passed thereunder, the provisions of Part III, Article 38, 63 (4), 70, 71 (1), 72 (4), 152, or 153 or to this Clause shall not be passed without the consent of the Conference of Rulers.’’ Maka di sini jelas bahawa bukan sahaja kedudukan istimewa dipelihara tetapi juga soal kerakyatan berdasarkan prinsip jus soli turut dipelihara dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

2) Yang kita tak perasan:

Seskyen 3(f) Akta Hasutan bukan sahaja memperuntukkan tiada sesiapa yang boleh mempertikaikan atau mempersoalkan apa-apa isu berkaitan Perkara 153 tetapi juga memperuntukkan tiada sesiapa pun yang boleh mempertikaikan atau mempersoalkan apa-apa isu berkaitan Bahagian 3 Perlembagaan Persekutuan yakni kerakyatan. Justeru, mari kita melihat secara saksama: kalau mempertikaikan isu 30% ekuiti bumiputera dalam sektor ekonomi mempunyai potensi hasutan maka sesiapa yang menyuruh orang bukan melayu pulang ke negara masing-masing perlu dilihat termasuk dalam potensi hasutan yang termaktub dalam seksyen 3(f) Akta Hasutan 1948. Kalau sesiapa yang cuba mempertikaikan perkara 153 perlu dimasukkan ke dalam ISA maka sesiapa yang cuba mempertikaikan Bahagian 3 Perlembagaan Persekutuan juga perlu dimasukkan ke dalam ISA. Ini kerana sudah jelas menyuruh atau menghalau orang bukan Melayu supaya pulang ke negara masing-masing bererti menafikan hak kerakyatan mereka di negara ini yang telah dijaga, dipelihara oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan sejak 53 tahun yang lepas. Bahkan mempersoalkan relevan atau tidak sekolah vernakular juga boleh tersenarai sebagai hasutan sepertimana yang termaktub dalam seksyen 3(e) Akta Hasutan 1948 ‘’ to promote feelings of ill will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia’’. Sila rujuk juga: Melan Abdullah v Public Prosecutor [1971] 2 MLJ 280 dan PP v Mark Koding [1982]

Kesimpulan: Sila tutup isu ini. Sekali lagi dimohon: Sila tutup isu ini. Jangan lagi membuka atau cuba menyemarakkan lagi isu perkauman. Apa yang cuba saya nyatakan di atas adalah soal keadilan bahkan dalam Al-Quran sudah menjelaskan ‘’ Janganlah kebencian kamu ke atas sesuatu kaum menyebabkan kamu berlaku tidak adil. Berlaku adillah, sesungguhnya adil itu lebih dekat dengan taqwa’’. Semua rakyat Malaysia baik ahli politik mahupun kakitangan awam, siswa dan pelajar di bangku sekolah tidak perlu mengapi-apikan lagi isu ini. Jika tidak, kita semua berpotensi untuk didakwa bawah Akta Hasutan.

Retrieved from :Mohd Zharif Shafiq. (2010, sept 6). Yang Kita Tak Perasan. My Way.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

bipolar disorder..haha

i HATE this feeling.. she told me that i go in reverse the fear and go into action, so that, i'm ok.